Church Business Meeting – June 25

Mark your calendars for our business meeting on June 25 at 6 pm. Please make every effort to attend. Join us beforehand for pizza at 5 pm.

We will be reviewing the following:

  • 2016-2017 finances
  • Budget for 2017-2018
  • TAS subsidy and credit recommendation
  • TAC privacy policy
  • Plans to support a mission project

ASI Convention Aug 2-5 in Houston, TX

Each year, ASI members, supporters, and friends gather at the ASI International Convention to encourage one another and exchange ideas vital to their lay-driven ministry goals. The annual convention is an energetic, inspiring affair where networks are formed and plans are made that one individual or institution could never accomplish alone. Those who attend the convention return to their local churches inspired and equipped to start lay outreach efforts in their own workplaces and communities. Best of all, eternal friendships are formed. Register here.

Citrus Fruit

Don’t forget to get your extra vitamin C to stay healthy this winter! The next order deadline is March 20 for a March 31 delivery. To place an order call the fruit line (973) 932-0203 and leave a message or go online to

Memorial Service Doris Klopping – February 18

Please join us for a memorial service honoring Doris Klopping’s life this Saturday, February 18, at 6 pm here at the Tranquility Adventist Church. The church doors will open at 5:30 pm. A repast at the Tranquil Valley Retreat Center cafeteria will follow the service. Please continue to pray for the family.

Prayer Conference Call

We are looking for volunteers to lead a weekly prayer conference call. Please speak to Dave Evans if you are interested in leading one call or leading many! Be on the lookout for more information as we determine day and time for these weekly calls.