Tranquil Valley Pathfinders
The Pathfinder Club is a worldwide organization sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Its nearly 30,000 clubs operate in 120 countries around the world. Youth between the grades of 5 to 10 can take part in Pathfindering. Youth are divided between six levels of learning: Friend, Companion, Explorer, Ranger, Voyager and Guide. Leaders provide instruction in nearly 250 areas of arts and crafts, aquatics, nature, household arts, recreation, and vocational witnessing. Such study often helps Pathfinders discover a lifelong hobby or career.
In the early 1970’s, the young people from the area Seventh-day Adventist churches were organized into the Tranquil Valley Crusaders which, for a time, met in the Garden State Academy gym. Through the years, many dedicated leaders have taught a variety of skills with emphasis on spiritual and moral values. The club has also emphasized nature and outdoor skills such as hiking, backpacking, and camping. The group is also involved in such community activities as food collection for the less fortunate. Attendance at a number of statewide and national camporees have been highlights for these youth. Since its inception, the club has been chosen as the Pathfinder Club of the Year in statewide competition.